5 types of videos your followers will love

The digital age has done a lot for marketing. It’s opened up all kinds of opportunities for creative artists and businesses to show the world who they are and what they have to offer.

Many people still need to be convinced, though. Even though their competition uses social media and posts videos and photos every other day, many are reluctant to take the leap because they don’t know where to start … or they don’t like change.

I’m here to help you get started. The good news is it’s not hard. You simply need a plan for what kind of video you’re going to make, and that’s where we can help you. I’ve been producing videos for over a decade, and I’ve seen all kinds of trends in what types of videos do best.  If you’re looking for a company that can help you produce quality content, please reach out to us through our contact page.

These are the top five types of videos that audiences love.

5. “The Customer/Client Testimonial”

This is a video of your customer(s) or client(s) explaining what your business or product has done for them. These types of videos feel much more legitimate and personal. Even though we can look up a company on Google and read online reviews, it will never be as authentic and “human” as seeing a living, breathing person explaining how a company has helped them. Watch this great example of what a solid customer testimonial can look like. When you film these interviews, remember to try and get to the heart of the story and let the viewer know why they should care.

A behind the scenes shot of a customer testimonial for video

4. “The Work-in-Progress”

This is a video showing what your company is currently “building.” It doesn’t need to be a widget or directly related to what your business does. It is any video that shows *something * being created. When I used to work at a small college, we made a timelapse video showing the snowman our freshman class was creating. We got three videos out of it, actually. The first video showed the planning with blueprints, the second showed the work in progress while students decorated and pinned materials to the snowman’s body, and the third presented the project in its final form as a “reveal” video.

Whether it’s a new product you’re offering or the charity parade you’re building a float for, people like to see things getting built. You have a lot of flexibility on what this means!

3. “The Unboxing”

We’ll admit this works better for companies that produce widgets, but there are creative ways you can utilize this video template for other things your company may offer.  People LOVE watching someone open something. It’s a great way of showcasing your product. If you don’t believe me when I say this type of video works wonders for engagement, go visit Youtube and search “unboxing.”

If you’re looking for a great tutorial on how to make an effective unboxing video, this unboxing tutorial provides some great advice.

2. “Meet the Team”

This is simply an interview with your employees, but you can get so much more creative than that. Check out this awesome, fun, and upbeat video for Eventbrite. Each video features a different employee of your company discussing various topics that allow their personality to shine. A behind the scenes image of a video interview shot by Dreamcity Cinema for JW Morton and Iowa Eye CenterIt’s a great way of showing off what your team looks like in a friendly and approachable way. People love seeing smiling faces, so remember to smile 🙂

1. “The AMA”

This is a live video, and the name stands for “Ask Me Anything.” It’s an opportunity to talk directly to your followers and potential clients on social media with the camera on your computer or phone. Followers can chat real questions or comments in real-time, and it’s an intimate way to connect with your fans; while it might not feel useful for every business, there are various ways of framing the conversation that can allow for greater interactivity. For more information on how to get started, check out this article from Forbes on hosting your company’s AMA.


Have any of your own suggestions? Leave them in the comments. If you enjoyed this list and would like to hire Dreamcity Cinema to produce YOUR next video, please reach out.